
Understanding Tinnitus

Dr Jill Copley, Owner of Total Hearing Care

What Is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus, often referred to as “ringing in the ears,” is a condition characterized by the perception of internal sounds without any external source. This hearing disorder affects a significant number of individuals, with approximately 10 to 25% of adults and children experiencing its effects. While tinnitus can present itself in various forms such as ringing, buzzing, or roaring sounds, it is commonly accompanied by some degree of hearing loss.

Although the cause of tinnitus is still uncertain, medical research suggests that it rarely indicates a severe medical issue and generally does not significantly interfere with daily activities. However, it can have an impact on one’s emotional well-being, leading to anxiety, depression, and disruptions in sleep, concentration, and overall mood.

While complete cure for tinnitus is not yet attainable, there are approaches that can help manage and alleviate its symptoms. Sound therapy devices, such as hearing aids, can provide relief by masking the perceived internal noise. Additionally, behavioral therapies tailored to tinnitus, along with medication options, have been shown to be useful in mitigating the impact of this condition.

Some Of The Symptoms

When it comes to the symptoms of tinnitus, they can vary between individuals. Some may experience noise in specific sections of their head, which can manifest as ringing, buzzing, humming, hissing or even a squeal. The volume and pitch of the sound may fluctuate and may be present intermittently or consistently. Interestingly, certain body movements like neck-turning, eye movement, or even touching can trigger a phenomenon known as somatosensory tinnitus, where the perception of sound is altered.

It’s worth noting that the sounds associated with tinnitus are often subjective, meaning that only the person experiencing them can hear them. However, in some cases, the sounds can also be detected using a stethoscope, classifying it as objective tinnitus. Objective tinnitus typically has a known cause and can be specifically addressed through appropriate treatments.


Tinnitus is a medical condition characterized by a persistent ringing or buzzing sound in the ears, and its exact cause is yet to be fully understood. However, certain factors have been associated with its occurrence.

  • The most common cause of tinnitus is exposure to loud noises, such as those encountered in the workplace or during entertainment events like concerts. Military veterans often experience tinnitus as a service-related disability due to exposure to gunfire, machinery, and bomb blasts. While there is a strong link between tinnitus and age-related hearing loss or exposure to loud noise, it’s important to note that not all individuals with hearing loss develop tinnitus.
  • In addition to noise-induced tinnitus, certain medications, when taken in high doses, can also contribute to its development. Examples include certain antibiotics, anti-cancer drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antimalarial medications, and antidepressants. Blocked ear canals caused by earwax or infections, as well as head and neck injuries that damage the ear structure or related nerves and brain areas involved in sound processing, can also lead to tinnitus.
  • While less common, there are other risk factors associated with tinnitus. Ménière’s disease, a condition that disrupts the inner ear’s balance and affects hearing, can contribute to the development of tinnitus. A clenched jaw that harms surrounding tissues, the presence of vestibular schwannoma (a non-malignant tumor on the nerve connecting the inner ear to the brain), high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and blood vessel malformations that affect blood flow are also potential factors. Moreover, certain medical conditions including diabetes, migraines, thyroid disorders, anemia, and autoimmune disorders like lupus and multiple sclerosis have been found to be associated with tinnitus. In certain cases, tinnitus may occur without any discernible cause.

It is worth noting that while there is ongoing research in understanding tinnitus, the information provided here aims to offer an informative overview of the potential causes and associated factors contributing to this condition.

Specific Research

  • Various renowned research centers, including the esteemed National Institutes of Health (NIH) and institutes supported by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), are currently dedicating their efforts to unravel the complexities of tinnitus and develop innovative treatment approaches. Given that the condition is often attributed to disruptions in brain neural networks, scientists are diligently exploring the potential of magnetic or electrical brain stimulation as a viable therapeutic intervention.
  • At present, there are several ongoing research initiatives that aim to enhance our understanding and management of tinnitus. One such area of exploration revolves around the utilization of cochlear implants, specialized devices capable of restoring functional hearing in individuals with moderate to profound hearing loss. Furthermore, non-invasive electrical stimulation techniques are being investigated in order to effectively suppress tinnitus without causing any harm to the individual’s acoustic hearing capabilities. Additionally, the combination of acoustic stimulation with electric stimulation to specific regions such as the tongue, head, or neck is being thoroughly examined as a potentially long-term solution for those suffering from tinnitus.
  • While preliminary trials on repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) have yielded mixed results, researchers are actively involved in fine-tuning the parameters such as ideal coil placement and frequency of patient visits to maximize the treatment’s efficacy. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is also being employed for individuals presenting with movement disorders or neuropsychiatric conditions that report a reduction in tinnitus symptoms. However, it is worth noting that DBS requires invasive surgical intervention, and further research is needed to ascertain whether this particular method should be routinely incorporated as a stand-alone option for tinnitus management.
  • Moreover, a promising area of research involves the development of medications specifically targeted at treating tinnitus. Second-generation versions of drugs that have demonstrated an ability to reduce tinnitus in mice are currently being investigated for their potential effectiveness in human subjects. In addition to pharmacological interventions, genetic associations are being probed to predict, prevent, screen, and treat hearing impairment and age-related tinnitus. Lastly, cutting-edge brain imaging technology and smartphone applications are being harnessed to further unravel the intricate nature of the various types of tinnitus, bringing us closer to tailored and effective treatment modalities.
  • Through these extensive research endeavors and the collaboration of experts from various disciplines, the ultimate goal is to alleviate the distress caused by tinnitus and improve the quality of life for the millions of individuals affected by this debilitating condition.

If you suspect you may be experiencing symptoms of tinnitus, we encourage you to contact us for a consultation. Out team of expert audiologists will assess your situation and provide you with comprehensive information about the available tratment options. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today to take the first step towards managing your tinnitus effectively.