About Your Audiologist

Gloria L. Buckley, Au.D., CCC-A

Owner/Board Certified Doctor of Audiology

Long Term Commitment to Patient Care

“I have enjoyed over 41 years in the field of Audiology, pursuing excellence in hearing health. I have seen remarkable changes in hearing care through the years. Many people who previously experienced difficulty adjusting to hearing instruments are now enjoying the sounds of life, taking part in activities that caused frustration before. The ability to help people make that transformation has been very rewarding to me. I have helped many people enjoy a more fulfilling life once their hearing improved through the use of hearing instruments. I have had many people come in as patients, and walk out as friends!”

• Doctor of Audiology from AT Still University

• Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology from the American SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association

• Licensed by the Texas Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology

“When I was a little girl my best friend’s Mom was deaf. She lived a very isolated life. Communication with her family and friends was always a struggle. I decided then and there that helping people achieve their best hearing and communication would be my life’s goal. When I started college, I was so glad to learn about the field of Audiology. I knew I would be able to achieve my goal of helping others through that professional path.”

Dedication to Excellence

“It is my passion to stay current in my field, acquainting myself with new technologies and techniques for assisting patients in their transition to better hearing. I firmly believe that you can’t put your life on hold, waiting for the ‘next best thing’ to come out. There will always be technology improvements, but you can’t get back your life that you missed due to not hearing your best. You owe it to yourself and your family to do everything you can to hear your very best.”

  • Featured Speaker, Self Help for Hard of Hearing annual conference
  • ACE, Award for Continuing Education, American Speech-LanguageHearing Association
  • Fellow: American Academy of Audiology
  • Texas Academy of Audiology

Meeting the Challenges of Life

“Using hearing instruments can be a challenge. I am here to help patients and their families, and ensure that their needs are met and solved.”

4130 Abrams Rd.
Dallas, TX 75214

Hours 9-5 M-F, 10-2 Sat
(214) 827-1900

10611 Garland Rd., #106
Dallas, TX 75218

Hours 9-5 (Mondays Only)
(214) 660-9888

7615 Campbell Rd., #109
Dallas, TX 75248

Hours 9-5 M-F
(972) 380-0222

5462 Glen Lakes Dr.
Dallas, TX 75231

Hours 9-5 M-F
(214) 987-4114